• Spirit led, grace driven and result oriented training and recruitment agency to deliver Peace of mind to Parents and seeds of success to Schools.

CT hub, 2 Kallang Ave, Singapore, 339407

Whatsapp / WeChat

+65 9386 0896 (Albert) +65 88 733 733 (Grace) / Wechat: yxyalbert; Grace1236578

Professional Services

We work with parents and students around the world. We help students enter their dream college to study the degree that lead to their future career. Our ability to place the right student in the right college is critical, while a poor decision can lead to strong negative impact not only to parents but also to colleges.

That’s why we partner with our customers in every step of the process to make sure everyone smile.

Parents Engagement Roadmap

We Understand

Develop a clear understanding of Parent and student’s expectation and preferences and match them with the right schools in order to enter the workforce with skillsets.

We Screen

Conduct a rigorous screening process that includes understanding student’s strength, untapped potentials as well as passion and hobbies, conduct reference checks and interview before each admission is closed.

We Supervise

It is our partner SmileRain's expertise to form and maintain the right mix of tenants. Our service makes everyone happy, stay and pay. Our regular community events promote humility, health, grace, peace, and trust.

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