• Spirit led, grace driven and result oriented training and recruitment agency to deliver Peace of mind to Parents and seeds of success to Schools.

CT hub, 2 Kallang Ave, Singapore, 339407

Whatsapp / WeChat

+65 9386 0896 (Albert) +65 88 733 733 (Grace) / Wechat: yxyalbert; Grace1236578

School Introduction

Schools in Singapore

Institution Name Website
National University of Singapore (NUS) www.nus.edu.sg
Nanyang Technological University (NTU) www.ntu.edu.sg
Singapore Management University (SMU) www.smu.edu.sg
Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) www.sutd.edu.sg
Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) www.singaporetech.edu.sg
Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS) www.suss.edu.sg
Singapore Institute of Management (SIM Global Education) www.simge.edu.sg
James Cook University Singapore www.jcu.edu.sg
London School of Business and Finance (LSBF) Singapore www.lsbf.edu.sg
PSB Academy www.psb-academy.edu.sg
Kaplan Singapore www.kaplan.com.sg
Management Development Institute of Singapore (MDIS) www.mdis.edu.sg
Curtin Singapore www.curtin.edu.sg
Nanyang Institute of Management www.nanyang.edu.sg
East Asia Institute of Management (EASB)


Amity Global Institute www.amitysingapore.sg
ERC Institute www.erci.edu.sg
TMC Academy www.tmc.edu.sg
DIMENSIONS International College www.dimensions.edu.sg
Raffles College of Higher Education www.raffles-college.edu.sg
S P Jain School of Global Management www.spjain.sg
SHRM College www.shrm.edu.sg
Informatics Academy


Auston Institute of Management www.auston.edu.sg
Singapore Raffles Music College (SRMC) www.srmc.edu.sg
LASALLE College of the Arts www.lasalle.edu.sg
Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA) www.nafa.edu.sg
Singapore Polytechnic (SP) www.sp.edu.sg
Ngee Ann Polytechnic (NP) www.np.edu.sg
Temasek Polytechnic (TP) www.tp.edu.sg
Nanyang Polytechnic (NYP) www.nyp.edu.sg
Republic Polytechnic (RP) www.rp.edu.sg
Singapore American School www.sas.edu.sg
United World College of South East Asia www.uwcsea.edu.sg
Tanglin Trust School www.tts.edu.sg
Australian International School www.ais.com.sg
Canadian International School www.cis.edu.sg
ISS International School www.iss.edu.sg
Stamford American International School www.sais.edu.sg


Brief introduction of the top 10 private schools in Singapore


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