• Spirit led, grace driven and result oriented training and recruitment agency to deliver Peace of mind to Parents and seeds of success to Schools.

CT hub, 2 Kallang Ave, Singapore, 339407

Whatsapp / WeChat

+65 9386 0896 (Albert) +65 88 733 733 (Grace) / Wechat: yxyalbert; Grace1236578


If you hold a passport from below countries, you don't need a visa to stay in Singapore for 90days, which qualifies you to stay inside our condo room for 89 nights at much more affordable rates compared to hotels, enjoy condo facilities like a Swimming pool, gym, tennis,  barbecue, functional rooms and 7x24 security, etc. and most importantly mingle with the locals (75% Chinese population) to polish your Mandarin Chinese.

Our Mandarin Immersion program is summarized as below:

  • 100 hours per month or 20 days of face to face teaching (either 8am-1pm or 1-6pm from Monday to Friday)
  • It goes beyond normal language study to better understand Chinese culture, history and philosophy.
  • We will train you how to use major Chinese Apps like Wechat, RedNote, PingDuoduo, Meituan, etc also payment system
  • You will be arranged to stay inside a condo with 5 other students. Weekday led by teachers in mandarin speaking, listening, reading and even writing. Evening/weekend belong to yourself with choices of sports, community events and sight-seeing to practice what you have learnt.
  • We will arrange side trips into China (down to tier3 city) towards the end of the immersion when you get over language barrier, customs and understand how to make local payment to enjoy all the benefits.
  • Registration is flexible, can start any date of the month but you need to commit a minimum of 3 months to get a meaningful result.
  • Accommodation is provided by Smile Rain, Singapore based professional coliving company with vision, mission and social responsibilities
    Country/Region Maximum Visa-Free Stay
    All European Union (EU) Member States 90 days
    Switzerland 90 days
    Norway 90 days
    Japan 90 days
    South Korea 90 days
    Australia 90 days
    New Zealand 90 days
    United Kingdom 90 days
    Canada 90 days
    United States 90 days

Immersion' Q&A

Light and Salt is Singapore based student recruitment agency with local housing capabilities. We aim to introduce Singapore’s top private colleges and institutions to students around the world and provide them with a room to stay during the study.

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